Not Your Average Psychic

As a Psychic Medium, I have developed my abilities over the years to connect with the spirit world. My insight and intuition allow me to provide accurate readings and guidance to my clients. With years of experience, I have learned to trust my intuition and use my gift to help people find answers and closure. Whether you are seeking guidance in matters of the heart, career, or spirituality, I will use my abilities to help you gain clarity and move forward with confidence. Let me assist you on your journey towards enlightenment and understanding.

I grew up in a Pentecostal spirit-filled home. My experiences in the ministry, working and volunteering at an internationally known church, and at their radio and TV ministry have helped me understand people and the spirit world.

Not only do I have years of experience in the ministry, but I also attended bible college, where my eyes were opened up to just how much more is out there in the spirit world. Learning about various religions around the world, I saw the commonalities that had me question my beliefs.

Our Creator is bigger and greater than just one religion. There are many deities out there, and I don’t believe one religion is right over any other. The spirit world is filled with angels, demons, spirits, and deities.

As a psychic medium, I reach out to the spirit world, my ancestors and my guides. As for a label on what I believe, I guess I am a pagan, a witch.

I left the Christian church due to their improper use of scripture and hate towards those who are part of the LGBTQIA Community.

Who am I? What do I believe? This short video answers these questions and more.

Dee Sparta - she/her they/them

Sun - Taurus
Rising - Picses
Moon - Sagittarius

Birth Date - May 2, 1972 (Gen X)